Arab Spring: A flashback to past 10 years

The wave of democratization, which began with the Jasmine Revolution in Tunisia, took down the authoritarian leaders of Egypt, Libya and Yemen. Whereas the uprising in Bahrain was crushed thanks to Saudi Arabia’s military intervention, Iran and Russia ensured the survival of Bashar Assad’s regime in Syria.

Arab Spring A flashback to past 10 years
Balancing against American hegemony

Balancing against American hegemony

The current American administration, led by an ultra-nationalist and xenophobic politician, has abandoned the traditional principles of American hegemony, namely liberal democracy and the free market


The foreign policy makers of the Trump administration are damaging the U.S.' prestige among its allies, leaving the country more isolated than ever

The Trump administration's controversial and reckless moves against Ankara are about to spell the end of the traditional Turkey-U.S. partnership

Turkish-American relations have been in a situation of permanent crises for the last five years..

The Trump administration is destroying the system that the U.S. established in the wake of World War II by alienating its long-time allies

Social unrest may turn to political turmoil in Iraq

The Iraqi government must behave responsibly and take non-violent measures to overcome its ongoing problems; otherwise, the current protests may lead to political turmoil soon

Social unrest may turn to political turmoil in Iraq
Facing US pressure Iran looks for a way out of

Facing US pressure, Iran looks for a way out of crisis

The war of words between U.S. President Donald Trump and his Iranian counterpart, Hassan Rouhani, entered a new stage, as Iran's president, commonly known as a moderate reformist, moved closer to hardliners such as Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and General Qasem Suleimani.


The Tehran government needs to think twice before taking any steps in domestic and foreign policies as internal turmoil has not ended yet

Had it not been for President Erdoğan's strong leadership, Turkey might have panicked in the face of pressing issues and failed to prevent existing problems or meet new challenges

Tehran sees Turkey's counterterrorism operation in Qandil as a threat to its influence over Iraq and across the region more generally

One of the most discussed issues in Washington, D.C. nowadays is the Iran strategy of the Trump administration.

After the partnership between Saudi and the U.S., relations strengthened during the Salman period and Riyadh began to support the most secular groups in Syria

Conflictual and exclusivist foreign policies are simply zero-sum games; the normalization of politics in the Middle East requires balanced relations among regional states

The Trump administration's new Iran strategy, as highlighted by Pompeo in his first public speech, will negatively affect the lives of ordinary Iranians rather than the ruling elites

Netanyahu's greed and the brutality of Israeli security forces will only push Palestinians away from a diplomatic solution. It is the international community's responsibility to create a peaceful environment for a two-state solution

U.S. President Donald Trump continues to play with the fire in the Middle East.

The U.S. government's decision to move its embassy to Jerusalem is a turning point in history and will fuel instability and violence in the Middle East

The U.S.' untrustworthy diplomatic moves, along with the decision to pull out of the landmark nuclear accord with Iran has led to more instability in the Middle East

Experts from Ankara-based think-tank say Turkish-US relations should be put back on track for sustainable peace in Syria

President Trump has come up with a new kind of diplomacy, of sharing tweets on social media to either shape U.S. foreign policy or fire his top officials whenever he finds it necessary