Türkiye's guarantor proposal and the failure of Netanyahu

Important parameter for guarantor model is Israeli government and its expected transformation, which is highly probable in the short term after its clear failures

Türkiye's guarantor proposal and the failure of Netanyahu
Zionism vs humanity

Zionism vs. humanity

The current Western governments have been giving full and unconditional support to Israel’s oppressive policies and atrocities. Pro-Israeli Western governments do not take into account their citizens’ views on the latest developments in Palestine. They prefer to support the Zionists but not their people. However, they know that their pro-Israeli positions damage their relations with other countries.


Biden, in a ceremony where he criticized antisemitism this week, recounted the political pressures he faced for stating 35 years ago, 'Being Jewish is not necessary to be a Zionist. And I am a Zionist.' Biden has previously used expressions like 'If there was no Israel, we would have to invent it' and linked the security of Jews to the existence of Israel. It can be politically surprising that Biden, in his second term, insists on his Israel policy, risking American national interests. The only explanation for Biden's insistence might be an irrational and ideological perspective based on assumptions that many Jews might not accept.

While state universities in the American higher education system are obliged to adhere to constitutional provisions, private universities, like Harvard and MIT, aren't directly bound by the First Amendment, which safeguards freedom of speech. Private institutions can establish their rules and regulations, often attempting to extend freedom of expression in the name of academic freedom. However, they have, in the past, canceled programs and events deemed provocative or likely to incite disturbances, fostering a perception that such restrictions disproportionately favor conservative groups. Even on liberal campuses like Columbia, limitations and even bans on pro-Palestinian demonstrations have been observed.

Protest movements against Israel's operations in Gaza have sparked a reexamination of the limits of freedom of expression in the United States. Efforts by pro-Israel groups to equate criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism have become organized and systematic. The campaign, conducted through advertisements in media outlets and lobbying activities in Congress, aimed to convey the message that crowds taking to the streets to defend Palestinian civilians were contributing to the rise of anti-Semitism. However, censorship applied by some of the world's leading universities to groups supporting Palestine, the fear of being labeled as anti-Semitic, and threats to withdraw support from influential donors demonstrated how the boundaries of academic freedom could be defined. The experience of a prominent figure losing their job or being marginalized due to their pro-Palestinian stance also illustrates how organized political forces can effectively use the trauma of anti-Semitism as a weapon.

Israel has been bombing the Gaza Strip for almost two months, killing more than 15,000 Palestinians, most of whom are innocent children and women. In spite of calls and criticism from international organizations, hundreds of millions of people around the world and more than a hundred governments, Israel keeps committing atrocities.

The US and Israel on Gaza: Biden and Netanyahu Think the Same

In the wake of the October 7 Hamas attack on Israel and the ongoing Israeli retaliation, is there anything different in the U.S. government’s response this time around?

The US and Israel on Gaza Biden and Netanyahu Think
Netanyahu's calculations and biden's preferences

Netanyahu's calculations and biden's preferences

For the past ten days, President Biden has appeared indifferent to the gravity of the humanitarian crisis and outrage resulting from Israel's ongoing attacks. Israel's actions in Gaza, which leave civilians with no option but death, are considered war crimes. Biden's apparent indifference to this reality doesn't contribute to a solution but rather exacerbates the problem. While claiming to support Israel and acknowledge the importance of Gaza's civilians, attributing the responsibility for the hospital attack to the "other side" is a failure in Biden's policy.


Since the very first moments of the latest Hamas attacks against Israel and the Israeli attacks against the Gaza Strip, the global Western powers have declared their unconditional support for the Israeli security forces in the form of military, political, diplomatic and economic support. After the latest wave of the escalation of violence and tension in the Palestinian lands, the Israeli side and its Western allies started to blame and demonize Hamas and other Palestinian actors as the only responsible actors in the cycle of violence. As usual, no big Western power, namely the United States, the United Kingdom, France and Germany, has tried to hold Israel responsible for the violence committed against innocent civilians in the Gaza Strip (or in the West Bank).

Bringing the long-forgotten Israel issue back to the forefront has cornered the Democrats, pressuring them to take a stance.

The Palestinian people once again showed the Israeli government and the world that they will not surrender to Israeli occupation. In spite of the Israeli war machine, the strong support from global and regional powers and the convenient regional atmosphere, the Israeli government could not silence the Palestinian people.

Netanyahu’s act of provocation did not just start a new war in Gaza. It established that the Biden administration’s lip service to human rights did not apply to the question of Jerusalem.

Israel has been keeping millions of Palestinians under prison camp conditions for years and depriving them of their basic rights for the last 15 years. Whenever Palestinian people try to resist Israel's inhumane policies and atrocities, they are severely punished by the Israeli government and condemned by the Western governments.

Israel continued bombing Gaza on the second day of Ramadan Bayram, also known as Eid al-Fitr. At least 197 Palestinians have been killed in the attacks according to the latest tally. Unfortunately, that number may be even higher by the time you read this article. There is just one important question on everyone's minds: “Who’s going to stop Israel?”

The tensions purposefully escalated by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's administration and Israeli extreme right groups have added more bloodshed to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

The Palestinian youth thus, told the entire world that Jerusalem will not be another Andalusia.

This critically important book includes chapters both contextualizing and discussing the U.S. administration’s Jerusalem declaration in great detail. Various sections authored by American, Latin American, European, and Turkish authors examine the international responses to the U.S. President Trump’s declaration.

Insight Turkey, one of the leading academic journals in Turkey, in its first issue for 2020, aims to bring to its readers a comprehensive framework on the current situation of the Israeli-Palestinian question and whether there will be a deal to this problem or not. Therefore, this issue entitled as “The Ordeal of the Century,” with the contribution of leading experts in this area, highlights different subjects regarding the Israeli-Palestinian issue while focusing on different perspectives and dimensions of the problem.

In our conflict resolution classes, we emphasize certain fundamental principles and norms. One such principle is that in protracted conflicts like the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, it would be impossible to reach a sustainable solution if a key human need of the conflicting party is ignored.

A recent report by SETA puts forth a detailed profile of steeply rising Islamophobic incidents in 25 European countries as terrorism and Islamophobia trigger each other

We must realise that Sharon is only one face - albeit all-encompassing of the same persistent calamity: Israeli apartheid and colonisation.