Turkish opposition's anti-refugee stance threatens all of us

It is no secret that the opposition Good Party (IP), the Victory Party (ZP) and the Republican People’s Party (CHP) fueled xenophobia in Türkiye with reference to Syrian asylum-seekers and illegal migration ahead of the May 2023 elections. The opposition’s joint presidential candidate and CHP chair, Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, built his campaign around anti-refugee sentiment – which effectively triggered the negative side effects of the cost of living. It seems highly likely that the CHP and the rest will resort to the same tactics for next year’s municipal elections.

Turkish opposition's anti-refugee stance threatens all of us
Opposition using Syrian asylum seekers to generate new divides in

Opposition using Syrian asylum seekers to generate new divides in Turkish politics

The status of more than 3.6 million temporary Syrian asylum seekers across Turkey has been one of the most controversial political issues being discussed by the Turkish people and politicians in the last few weeks..


There is an ongoing debate on Syrian refugees in Istanbul, who are being asked to return to the provinces where they were registered. The media extensively covered complaints by Syrians about the 30-day grace period.

The Justice and Development Party (AK Party) received the 43.16 percent of the vote in the local elections of 2014, the highest of all participating parties. For the local elections of March 31, it received 45 percent, increasing 2 percent, and came out as the clear victor again. However, the country's major cities, such as Istanbul and Ankara, voted differently in the majority, which shows the power of the legitimate election rallies in Turkey.

Neoliberal consensus has dissolved across Europe over the past 10 years..

Many European analysts have argued that 2017 could be a critical juncture for Europe due to important elections in certain European countries, especially after the Brexit referendum. A major part of this juncture will have something to do with the reaction of mainstream European parties and politicians to this intolerant discourse