Turkish opposition's anti-refugee stance threatens all of us

It is no secret that the opposition Good Party (IP), the Victory Party (ZP) and the Republican People’s Party (CHP) fueled xenophobia in Türkiye with reference to Syrian asylum-seekers and illegal migration ahead of the May 2023 elections. The opposition’s joint presidential candidate and CHP chair, Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, built his campaign around anti-refugee sentiment – which effectively triggered the negative side effects of the cost of living. It seems highly likely that the CHP and the rest will resort to the same tactics for next year’s municipal elections.

Turkish opposition's anti-refugee stance threatens all of us
Truth Is a Human Right Türkiye s Stance on the

Truth Is a Human Right: Türkiye’s Stance on the Fight against Disinformation

We are experiencing the rise of unprecedented opportunities as a result of the digital revolution, but regrettably this has also been accompanied by a number of novel threats. One of the most visible manifestations of these threats is the rapid spread of misinformation and disinformation. The implications of this threat extend from the individual to the national and international levels, where misinformation and disinformation bring the risk of hybrid warfare and power competition closer to home. Needless to say, the breadth of these implications makes dealing with digital misinformation even more difficult. This commentary focuses on several global events where misinformation and disinformation were used as a tactical tool, including the 2016 U.S. elections, Brexit, and COVID-19. Then, we discuss the situation involving Türkiye, one of the nations that serves as both a target and a focal point of regional disinformation campaigns. The commentary then shifts to some of the Communication Directorate's most significant initiatives, such as the creation of the Earthquake Disinformation Bulletins, the Law on the Fight Against Disinforma- tion, and the Center for Fight Against Disinformation. Finally, above all, this commentary aims to raise awareness of the dangers of online misinformation and urges international cooperation to ensure that the truth always prevails.


'The opposition has a democratic right to criticize the Turkish government’s refugee policy. That right, however, should be exercised without poisoning the country’s democratic culture'

The future of Syrian asylum-seekers in Turkey, which the opposition feels is a serious concern, should be determined according to the principles of harmony and peace

The opposition, which accuses Erdoğan of collaborating with the U.S. on the issue of Afghan refugees, is trying to give Erdoğan lessons in anti-imperialism. It is ridiculous to criticize a leader who has consistently shown a clear and strong stance against imperialism for many years

The opposition’s deliberate decision to fuel anti-refugee sentiment as a campaign tool threatens to create a new fault line in Turkish society.

Syrians and CHP: A discussion in Turkey

The leader of Turkey's main opposition party continues to make unrealistic statements about Syrian refugees. CHP's leader, who has frequently come forward with racist and xenophobic statements, now promises to send Syrian refugees back to their country

Syrians and CHP A discussion in Turkey
What the Turkish public thinks about developments in Syria

What the Turkish public thinks about developments in Syria

Much has been written regarding Ankara's negotiations with Russia and the U.S. and the process and potential outcomes of the accords the countries have reached following intense diplomatic activity.


The status of more than 3.6 million temporary Syrian asylum seekers across Turkey has been one of the most controversial political issues being discussed by the Turkish people and politicians in the last few weeks..

There is an ongoing debate on Syrian refugees in Istanbul, who are being asked to return to the provinces where they were registered. The media extensively covered complaints by Syrians about the 30-day grace period.

In history textbooks for the next generation, the Syrian civil war will probably be one of the most critical aspects to study. Aside from the length and complexity of the civil war, the humanitarian catastrophe it has created in the midst of the Middle East and in front of the eyes of everybody will be one of the most unforgettable dimensions of it.

The Justice and Development Party (AK Party) received the 43.16 percent of the vote in the local elections of 2014, the highest of all participating parties. For the local elections of March 31, it received 45 percent, increasing 2 percent, and came out as the clear victor again. However, the country's major cities, such as Istanbul and Ankara, voted differently in the majority, which shows the power of the legitimate election rallies in Turkey.

Neoliberal consensus has dissolved across Europe over the past 10 years..

Neither a populist discourse nor a violent uprising can help opposition win the upcoming elections, as Turkish democracy has recently proven how strong it is in the face of such crises

The return of Syrians to Syria should be a combined international effort. While the murder of a Syrian woman in Adapazarı is still fresh in our minds, political parties are playing with fire by fueling a hatred of Syrians

A new report by SETA and Theirworld highlights the need to overcome language barriers and urges for more international aid to sustain the education of Syrian refugees, 41 percent of school-aged children are still not in school

Many European analysts have argued that 2017 could be a critical juncture for Europe due to important elections in certain European countries, especially after the Brexit referendum. A major part of this juncture will have something to do with the reaction of mainstream European parties and politicians to this intolerant discourse

Refugees whose lives were threatened in Syria now face a different problem in some European countries, such as rising far-right political parties and their determination to use anti-refugee rhetoric in their campaigns.