A better way to address Turkey-US strife

The Turkish-U.S. partnership can get back on track on the condition that foreign policy makers in Washington stop following destructive policies against Ankara

A better way to address Turkey-US strife
Turkish-U S relations hit new low amid Syria offensive

Turkish-U.S. relations hit new low amid Syria offensive

Nowadays, there is heavy diplomatic traffic between Turkey and the United States. Following U.S. National Security Adviser Gen. H.R. McMaster's visit to Istanbul over the weekend, U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is expected to be in the Turkish capital Ankara on Thursday. Meanwhile, the Turkish and American defense ministers will reportedly hold talks in Brussels later this week.


The ups and downs in relations between the U.S. and Russia has resulted in the countries finding themselves on different sides of the conflicts in Syria and Ukraine, and in each of these crises Russia has continued to test the U.S.'s commitments.

Turkey can play a complimentary and even crucial role that could actually ease the task of the European Union between Serbia and Kosovo.