Turkey to experience dynamic new term with eight diverse parties in Parliament

For the first time since 1969, deputies from eight political parties entered Parliament with Sunday's election under the new election law, which signals a more representative era for Turkish politics

Turkey to experience dynamic new term with eight diverse parties
Possible Kurdish reactions to the presidential elections

Possible Kurdish reactions to the presidential elections

As one of the most controversial debate topics in the elections period, the Kurdish vote has become a hot topic of conversation once again. While the major preferences of Kurdish voters had been between the ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party) and the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) in the previous elections, it is expected that the competition will come true again between these parties. Nonetheless, it is important to evaluate the main motivations behind the voting preferences of Kurdish people.


The EU, France, the U.K., Germany, Russia and China all declared that the American administration had taken a wrong and provocative step that could damage peace efforts and trigger widespread violence.

By calling for Muslim countries to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine President Erdoğan shows the expected leadership at the OIC summit in Istanbul

Developing cooperative efforts to diversify the economic structure of the group turns out to be a significant task.

The opening remarks of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who took over the term presidency of the organization, during the summit depicted the expectations of the OIC. His remarks were full of new suggestions to turn the OIC into a genuine association.

Does Turkey Need a New Standby Agreement?

Since 1960, nineteen Standby arrangements have been signed. With these agreements, significant progress has been made in Turkish economy: inflation has fallen to the lowest level since 1986, the public debt-to-GNP ratio has been falling, and interest rates have declined rapidly. IMF’s immediate goals concern exchange rate stability and balance of payments, and evaluations of IMF programs tend to concentrate on these two objectives. Yet, whether or not the IMF programs have positive effects on these short-term goals, what ultimately matters is that they induce economic growth and do not concentrate on incomes.

Does Turkey Need a New Standby Agreement