Western bloc crumbles as US-EU rift emerges

The ongoing rift between the U.S. and the EU countries in NATO hints at the slow collapse of the Western alliance

Western bloc crumbles as US-EU rift emerges
Israel's New President Donald Trump

Israel's New President: Donald Trump

Trump tries to consolidate his government's power at home and abroad by supporting Israel's ambitions though it further upset the balance in the Middle East


The June 24 snap elections gives Turkish people a chance to end Western hegemony in their own bureaucratic system

Turkish-U.S. relations are going through neither a structural crisis nor conjectural tension. I think relations are experiencing structural tension.

Turkey wanted to strengthen bilateral relations and increase trade volumes with Gulf nations against the backdrop of global chaos

Foreseeing the crisis of the Western world order, Turkey, at the demand of its people, is leaving the westernization policies as its official policy

Waiting For the Trump Doctrine

While the Washington elite is preoccupied with infighting, policy makers across the world are eager to understand where the next commander-in-chief wants to take U.S. foreign policy.

Waiting For the Trump Doctrine
What is happening to the United Nations Order

What is happening to the United Nations Order?

Turkey is working to make the U.N. meaningful and functional despite obstructions. And it should continue in its efforts.


The open support the U.S. is giving to a terrorist organization in Syria that has been active in Turkey for the last 30 years is creating serious questions in the minds of Turkey's political elite

The Kemalist modernization paradigm influencing Turkey's managerial mind until the 2000s slowly lost its efficacy and, in contrast with this, a perspective of modernization with stronger ties to society and more hybrid forms that offers the establishment of more rational relations with cultural regions outside its own began to come to the fore.

To cover his relation with DAESH, which came to light when Turkey downed the Russian jet for violating its airspace, Putin, with false evidence, accused Turkey of supporting the terror organization.

SETA CONFERENCE By  Kim Beng Phar  Visiting Scholar, Waseda University, Organization of Asian Studies / SETA Research Fellow Date: November 15, 2007 Thursday Time: 15.00 - 16.30 Venue: SETA Foundation, Ankara   The Impact and Implication of East Asia as a Global Political Actor: The Risk/Perils of Indifference In, and by Turkey

Politics in Turkey has been in normalization process in which different demands and identities come forward and the invisible becomes visible since 2002

Ever since the general elections of June 12, 2011, even without knowing how exactly events would unfold, it was not difficult to see that 2014 stood to become a very difficult political long year.

The regional actors are roughly divided into two camps. All regional administrations, except Turkey, are fighting – over each other – to extend the life of the Sykes-Picot order.

The “New Turkey” project that is at the center of Erdoğan’s reform is comprised of three factors: independence, democracy and development.