Sykes-Picot: The Symbol of Western Imperialism in the Middle East

The future of the Middle East region relies on the support of mainstream, democratic and non-violent groups.

Sykes-Picot The Symbol of Western Imperialism in the Middle East
Is the Spirit of Sykes-Picot Still Alive in the Middle

Is the Spirit of Sykes-Picot Still Alive in the Middle East after a Century?

The conditions of the Sykes-Picot agreement are no longer valid, but the spirit of the agreement is still alive.


According to the 2008 Transatlantic Trends public opinion survey recently released by the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) -- available at -- Turkey's threat perception has declined and its confidence has increased compared to a year ago.

Unlike in the aftermath of World War I, none but the Middle East's own children are to blame for the turmoil that the region experiences today.

A successful transition in Iraq towards stability will require meangingful decentralisation, an equitable plan for oil revenue distribution - and a lot of compromise on all sides.