Turkish-Syrian Relations: The Erdoğan Legacy

The rise to power of Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdoğan marks a new era in positive Turkish-Syrian relations. The new Syrian attitude towards Turkey represents a break from past: Syria considers Turkey a reliable partner for brokering a peace deal between Syria and Israel, and Turkey offers opportunities for political and economic cooperation for improving the welfare and security of two countries. The Syrian administration considers Turkey’s partnership to be a key factor in its attempts to achieve integration into the international community, a solution of the problems with Israel, and the securing of territorial unity in Iraq.

Turkish-Syrian Relations The Erdoğan Legacy
New Media Environments in Turkey

New Media Environments in Turkey

Since the Justice and Development Party's (AK Party) rule, the field diversified as mainstream and marginal media became more pluralized. Mainstream media has diversified and reflected societal demands, political positions and differences.


If you were to scratch today's date off a number of ideologically-charged opposition papers and replaced them with, say, 1989 or 2002, you would encounter no absurd situation.