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Friendly reminder FETÖ is an existential threat to the US

Friendly reminder: FETÖ is an existential threat to the US

All citizens in Türkiye have an idea of what the Gülenist Terror Group (FETÖ) is. In other countries, however, there is still a tendency to see FETÖ as a "moderate Islamic" organization. FETÖ, which plays the "victim" game by claiming basic freedoms, is also aware of this deficiency. For this reason, FETÖ, which had structured itself in Türkiye since the 1970s, is attempting to infiltrate the state and implement its agenda of "dominating power," especially in the United States.

All citizens in Türkiye have an idea of what the Gülenist Terror Group (FETÖ) is. In other countries, however, there is still a tendency to see FETÖ as a "moderate Islamic" organization. FETÖ, which plays the "victim" game by claiming basic freedoms, is also aware of this deficiency. For this reason, FETÖ, which had structured itself in Türkiye since the 1970s, is attempting to infiltrate the state and implement its agenda of "dominating power," especially in the United States.

While Turkish citizens cannot travel to the U.S. with the highest visa rejection rate, FETÖ members have green cards. Similar to the process followed by PKK members in Europe, FETÖ members started to become citizens of the U.S. They put their pictures on the websites of the companies and institutions that hire them, wearing Americanized clothing and smiles. The "Americanized" FETÖ has actually started the process of conquering the U.S. from within through decades of "infiltration," just as they have done in Türkiye. For this reason, it would be useful to offer some reminders to our American friends.

A friendly reminder to the U.S.

FETÖ's presence and threat in the U.S. is still grave and the scenarios for a few decades from now are frightening. Reminiscent of the Turkish saying, "Feed the crow and it will carve your eye out," FETÖ has launched its plan to take over the U.S. On the other hand, FETÖ's "America Action Plan" is capable of affecting not only the United States but all other countries. For this reason, it is necessary to keep the explanations simple and understandable in this analysis, especially for American citizens.

It is important to understand FETÖ's ultimate goal as an organization. The organization's doctrine, which is indexed to Fethullah Gülen, has nothing to do with Islam or any other religion. The doctrine, which is built on the idea of "Mahdism," is dominated by concepts that Gülen has constructed with his own logic. These concepts – "Service, Help (through grants), Profundity, Guidance" – are imposed on the members for further obedience and are in fact simple means to the ultimate goal of the organization. In other words, they are "constructed" references to motivate and control the members of the organization. The real goal is clear: "to seize power and dominate all." Actually, the U.S. is the most appropriate country to realize this goal.

The organization seeks to create a monopoly in all areas of life such as social, political, legal, security and business. For this purpose, it creates unions of interest and forms chains of dependence and subordination linked to itself. In the background, the organization creates a "parallel universe" by establishing a control mechanism with loyal organization members called "older brothers or sisters." In other words, the concrete extensions of the organization are guided by invisible and secret "hands" in the background, which Gülen likens to "the air." Thus, when faced with undesirable consequences, the organization gains the privilege of "denial." On the other hand, image building through "charity work" is never neglected.

Human resource creation

Creating human resources is the most important area of endeavor. For this purpose, the organization establishes educational institutions while introducing robotized but qualified individuals into the labor market. The organization constructs individuals who have "surrendered their minds to the organization" and prepares them for critical positions in the state and private sectors. In fact, FETÖ successfully exploits this weakness in countries with education problems. Interestingly, the most prominent country with a weak education system is the U.S. because education is expensive, and it is not possible for the poor to access the "privilege" of private schools.

Considering the fact that the universities are expensive, there is an incredible chain of opportunities for FETÖ in the U.S. Student admission to universities is not based on centralized placement but is under the responsibility of the admission committees. The admission of interns, which is of high importance for curriculum vitae, is related to the funding received and initiative of faculty members. FETÖ members, who obtained green cards under the pretext of "victimization" or became citizens, are not limited to anti-Türkiye efforts in universities and think tanks. At the same time, they are accepting "students," educated academically and blended with the philosophy of FETÖ, for posts in the U.S. as students, interns or employees.

At this point, it would be useful to give some figures about FETÖ's educational institutions in the U.S. FETÖ has 140 schools in the U.S. with an annual enrollment of around 60,000 students. Its annual income is over $500 million. These figures should mean something to our American friends. Every year, FETÖ enriches itself with its educational revenues and expands its capacity in different sectors while also releasing more than 60,000 brainwashed individuals into the American labor market.

Infiltrating to the U.S. govt

The organization carries out its educational efforts in parallel with another effort: X-raying the state and private sectors, identifying critical positions, observing institutional weaknesses and training the manpower required for those positions in FETÖ schools. Once a member of the organization is placed in a position, he or she patiently provides references to other members of the organization to expand the organization. In other words, as a product of the U.S. education system, FETÖ-trained Americans are "infiltrating" American stock exchange companies, state governments, political parties, educational institutions or think tanks. Unlike FETÖ's activities in countries in Africa or Central Asia, the organization is getting closer to taking over a superpower from within. It is worth reminding that Russia, recognizing this fact, has banned FETÖ. Of course, all these processes must be carried out in accordance with FETÖ's "secrecy" principle!

Infiltration into U.S. business

FETÖ's establishment of companies in the U.S. should also be discussed separately. FETÖ, which has around 5,000 companies around the world, pursues a monopolization strategy by controlling trade in all countries where it is active. In this way, FETÖ has become a power, and with the consolidation of its financial structure, it has become a group to be "taken into account" by the companies and governments. While multiplying its unfair gains with the personnel it infiltrated into the banking and finance sectors after a while it becomes a structure that shapes the market. In other words, trading companies cannot survive without paying tribute to the organization as "grants." It should be evaluated how big a threat FETÖ poses to the U.S., which harbors a great market. FETÖ's acquisition of shares of major American companies and becoming a commercial power may be a turning point for the Americans.

U.S. politics and FETÖ

The organization follows a strategy of "obeying the strong and dominating the weak." In this context, the lobbying efforts and donations to politics should be monitored. It should be investigated which senator received how much money from FETÖ during the election campaigns. Otherwise, it is possible to see senators in the U.S. Senate who "raise their hands" for FETÖ not only against Türkiye but also on global issues. Naturally, it is possible for FETÖ members who have acquired American citizenship to enter politics and become senators for both Democrats and Republicans. Furthermore, the members do not have to be of Turkish descent, but any. Due to the intimate structure of the organization, FETÖ's appointment of an "imam" to each senator is a fact that the American public will hardly notice.

FETÖ is still consolidating itself in the U.S. and infiltrating every aspect of life. Americans would review the Turkish experience. FETÖ, or Gülenists, by whatever name, is an existential threat to the U.S. A friendly reminder!

[Daily Sabah, July 29, 2024]

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