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Ukraine On the table or at the table

Ukraine: On the table or at the table?

On its path to strengthen its independence, neither Russian nor Western influence should dominate Ukraine

There are only a handful of real players and actors, namely global and regional powers, that determine or influence international politics. While global powers have interests of global proportions, regional powers work to influence their respective regions. Most states play a limited role, if that, in international politics.

A state is either on the table or at the table in international platforms and negotiations. In other words, if a state is a real player in the international political arena, it is at the table. That is, it actively participates in the negotiations and thus contributes to the efforts to resolve international crises. However, if a state is weak, it is on the table. That is, its destiny is determined by others. It is viewed as more of a meal by those seated at the table. It is not an actor, but a subject of international negotiations.

Read more on our English web site: Ukraine: On the table or at the table?.