The lacking issue fields in question of regional actors – such as ideational commitment, economic cooperation, military and political coordination turn out to be a matter of competition that favors the external supremacy in the Middle East and North Africa. Such a pattern makes the individuals, peoples and states of the region more vulnerable to impacts of the modern times while being deprived of security, prosperity and political rights. In this sense, Turkey and Qatar have built a promising path to promote model of cooperation in the wider Middle East region. The cooperation of both points how to achieve a common understanding and an honest co-existence in the wider region. This panel will examine “why and how regional peace and stability can be mobilized for the common benefits of all individuals, transnational units and state actors with varying concerns, differing descents and, even, contradicting interests”. The Turkish – Qatar partnership will be assessed as the case study to scrutinize this question. Web-panel discussion will be held in English. It will be broadcasted via Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Journalists and embassies will be invited as audience.

Turkey-Qatar Partnership Model | For Peace and Stability in the Middle East
The lacking issue fields in question of regional actors – such as ideational commitment, economic cooperation, military and political coordination turn out to be a matter of competition that favors the external supremacy in the Middle East and North Africa.
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