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Security and Societal Compromise for Prosperous Afghanistan

Security and Societal Compromise for Prosperous Afghanistan

Moderator: Murat Yeşiltaş, Director of Security Studies, SETA Speakers: H.E. Ambassador Oğuzhan Ertuğrul; Kabul Ambassador of Turkey H.E. Ambassador Khan Wali Khan Basharmal; Afghanistan Ambassador to Turkmenistan. Ex. Deputy Chief of Administrative Office of President Tanya Goudsouzian; Journalist and TV Producer, TRT WORLD Murat Aslan; Researcher at SETA Foundation, Director of KALMEC, Faculty Member in the Hasan Kalyoncu University

Moderator: Murat Yeşiltaş, Director of Security Studies, SETA Speakers: H.E. Ambassador Oğuzhan Ertuğrul; Kabul Ambassador of Turkey H.E. Ambassador Khan Wali Khan Basharmal; Afghanistan Ambassador to Turkmenistan. Ex. Deputy Chief of Administrative Office of President Tanya Goudsouzian; Journalist and TV Producer, TRT WORLD Murat Aslan; Researcher at SETA Foundation, Director of KALMEC, Faculty Member in the Hasan Kalyoncu University

Afghan people deserve to enjoy the wealth of their homeland, live in peace, feel the opportunities of safe and secure environment. Unfortunately, Afghanistan struggled and suffered to establish such an environment for decades. The issue fields in question can be categorized by interventions of the great powers, lack of security and internal power vacuum, political turmoil, external interference so far so forth. The intervention to Afghanistan in 2001 and the experienced discourse onwards indicates that they are Afghans who will establish a safe and secure environment, set a social compromise to build a promising country and obtain prosperity by the natural wealth of Afghanistan.

The panel will delve why and how to build Afghanistan in the light recent developments. The peace and reconciliation process, along with relevant undertakings, will be discussed if they give birth to a ‘hope’ that Afghan citizens need. The argument of the panel is that Afghans are capable of building a secure and safe environment by themselves. The main question to scrutinize this argument is “How can internal peace be achieved in Afghanistan from a wider perspective?”. In this sense, the sub questions are shaped pending to political, security, economic aspects of the overall issue field in question. Each panelist is expected to deliver two rounds of speech scrutinizing probable courses.