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Podcast Afghanistan Under Taliban Rule

Podcast: Afghanistan Under Taliban Rule

Afghan citizens and the international actors are concerned about the current developments and the possibility of instability in Afganistan. The current transformation in Afghanistan will affect the geopolitical configuration in the region.

Almost twenty years ago, after the terrorist attacks on the symbolic Twin Towers (WTC) in New York on 9/11, the US invaded Afghanistan under the George W. Bush Administration to oust Taliban from power. Under the Biden Administration the US started organising the withdrawal from Afghanistan. This decision led to unforeseeable developments on the Afghan soil. Taliban started more and more territory. After the escape of the Afghan President Ghani the control over Afghanistan fall into the hands Taliban which now seems to be much more stronger than in the past.

Afghan citizens and the international actors are concerned about the current developments and the possibility of instability in Afganistan. The current transformation in Afghanistan will affect the geopolitical configuration in the region. The political developments in Afghanistan will have a long lasting impact on the reconfiguration of the intra-Afghan politics.

With regards to these current political ongoings in Afghanistan SETA Brussels ASBL is organising a web-panel entitled ’’Afghanistan Under Taliban Rule: Implications for the Region and Europe’’ on Friday, 20th of August 2021 at 14.30 CET. The panel will be moderated by the SETA Brussels ASBL coordinator Talha Köse and the panelists include in the alphabetical order Mr. Murat Aslan from SETA, Ms. Tanya Goudsouzian from TRT World and Mr. Wahabuddin Raees from Ibn Haldun University.

The panelists will discuss the post American era under the Taliban regime and will reflect on possible future scenarios referring to the NATO and Afghanistan’s domestic politics. They will focus on the implications of this power change for the European Union and the region.

Moderator : Talha Köse, SETA Brussels ASBL Speakers : Murat Aslan, SETA Tanya Goudsouzian, TRT World Wahabuddin Raees, Ibn Haldun University

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