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Nagorno-Karabakh Question

Nagorno-Karabakh Question

Moderator: Enes Bayraklı, SETA Speakers: Fuad Isgandarov - Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Belgium and Head of the Mission of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the EU Matthew Bryza - Ambassador (ret.) Yönet Can Tezel - Ambassador, Director-General for Eurasia, Turkish MFA

Moderator: Enes Bayraklı, SETA Speakers: Fuad Isgandarov - Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Belgium and Head of the Mission of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the EU Matthew Bryza - Ambassador (ret.) Yönet Can Tezel - Ambassador, Director-General for Eurasia, Turkish MFA

According to the international law the Nagorno-Karabakh is part of Azerbaijan. However between 1992 and 1994 Nagorno-Karabakh and 7 adjacent regions of Azarbaijan were occupied by Armenia. The peace negotiations that lasted almost three decades under the supervision of OSCE Minsk group did not yield any results. Consequently in September 2020 tensions between Armenia and Azerbaijan rose again in the occupied Nagarno-Karabakh region. Since September 27 the region have been witnessing heaviest fighting in decades. SETA Brussels is organising a web-panel titled “Nagorno-Karabakh Question“ on the 19th of October 2020, Monday at 19.00 o’clock Brussels Time.

During the web-panel the panelists which include Fuad Isgandarov (Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Belgium and Head of the Mission of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the EU), Matthew Bryza (Ambassador (ret.)) and Yönet Can Tezel (Ambassador, Director-General for Eurasia, Turkish MFA) will discuss the current situation in Nagorno-Karabakh. The web-panel will be moderated by the SETA Brussels Coordinator Dr. Enes Bayraklı.