Moderatör: Ferhat Pirinççi, SETA Konuşmacılar: Elem Eyrice Tepeciklioğlu, Yaşar Üniversitesi Zainul Abideen Jibril, Adamawa Devlet Üniversitesi / Nijerya Mürsel Bayram, Ankara Sosyal Bilimler Üniversitesi İbrahim Baschir Abdoulaye, Bayreuth Üniversitesi / Berlin

Moderatör: Ferhat Pirinççi, SETA Konuşmacılar: Fırat Purtaş, Hacı Bayram Veli Üniversitesi Mehmet Yüce, Uludağ Üniversitesi Yaşar Sarı, İbn Haldun Üniversitesi Haydar Aliyev Merkezi Cavid Veliyev, AIR Center

Moderator: Murat Aslan, Researcher at SETA Foundation, Director of KALMEC, Faculty Member in the Hasan Kalyoncu University

During this panel, Omar Ashour will further discuss the findings of the book by answering the questions of when, why and how collective de-radicalisation happens, and it deepens our understanding of this as a means of preventing violent extremism.

Podcast: Turkey-Qatar Relations amidst the New Regional Realignment

Moderator: Gloria Shkurti Özdemir, SETA Speakers: Özden Zeynep Oktav, İstanbul Medeniyet University Farhan Mujahid Chak, Qatar University Gökhan Ereli, ORSAM Mahmoud Al-Rantisi, SETA Marwan Kabalan, Arab Centre for Research and Policy Studies

Podcast Turkey-Qatar Relations amidst the New Regional Realignment
Podcast Libya s Political Uncertainties Ahead of Elections

Podcast: Libya’s Political Uncertainties Ahead of Elections

Libya’s Political Uncertainties Ahead of Elections


The panel will feature 3 experts on the matter, Mahjoob Zweiri who will highlight the Iranian regime’s survival strategies on an external basis including the Palestinian cause, Ali Abo Rezeg will reveal the dynamics and geopolitical interests of Doha in the region, and Gökhan Ereli who will respectively discuss the key impediments that Turkey is facing in its foreign policy towards the Gulf.

Moderator : İbrahim Efe, Insight Turkey / Kilis 7 Aralık University Speakers : Berdal Aral, İstanbul Medeniyet University Yücel Acer, Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University Khalid el-Awaisi, Social Sciences University of Ankara

Afghan citizens and the international actors are concerned about the current developments and the possibility of instability in Afganistan. The current transformation in Afghanistan will affect the geopolitical configuration in the region.

In order to shed light on the current internal developments regarding the Cyprus issue SETA Brussels ASBL is organising a web-panel entitled „A New Era in Cyprus Diplomacy? Scenarios for Future“ on Thursday, 12th of August 2021, Thursday at 15 o’clock Brussels Time (16.00 IST).