Turkey is reinvigorating its quest for a democratic presidential system that can meet its requirements. Political circles will be intensively engaged in presidential system models in the upcoming days
If the conditions are favorable, Turkey might follow the course of military cooperation with Russia until the end, regardless of whatever reactions it bears the brunt of from the NATO side.
Omitting Turkey from Iraqi agenda or placing the country into a secondary position due to the pressure from Iran will not create a new and peaceful Iraq
The massacre in Aleppo will be talked about in the future as a crime committed with contributions by onlookers like the international community.
The highlight of the congress will be Vladimir Putin's meetings with President Erdoğan and the messages that they will prefer to convey public opinion "between the lines.
Turkey is the only reliable country in the fight against Daish in the region. Iraq's objection to Turkey's military presence in Bashiqa only allows the terror organization to act more freely
The worst is yet to come: We need to figure out who will replace Daish and what they are planning to do with the territories under their control
The weakness of the international community made the regime stronger, bolder and more terrifying
Credit ratings might be an essentially political act but Turkey's economic fundamentals and political capacity are robust enough to withstand such pressures.
One of the most important dynamics shaping modernity in the 21st century is the continuation of threats and the asymmetry of experienced conflicts
Focus mustly not on the ideological, but the practical benefits of keeping Washington on the agenda
In response to the Obama administration's actions, Turks continue to increase the number of their own 'local partners' in the fight against Daesh.
Erdoğan stepped on U.S. soil with refreshed confidence of a democratic leader enjoying unwavering political and social support after a heinous coup attempt
Turkey is working to make the U.N. meaningful and functional despite obstructions. And it should continue in its efforts.
The next president should correct President Obama's mistakes and reach out to traditional U.S. allies in the region by enforcing a safe zone in northern Syria
At this critical juncture, instead of debating who needs whom more, the next administration should focus on how to reclaim the strategic partnership and working relationship with an important ally
What the U.S. is going to leave behind after the end of the conflict in Syria is a branch of the PKK terrorist group that controls vast lands to the south of Turkey's border